Movacar wins Berlin Call for Startups

Auszeichung: Platz 1 im "Call for Startups ©Movacar 2023

Berlin, June 2023 And The Winner is: Movacar🏆 Movacar has won the first edition of the „Berlin Call for Startups“ Mobility start-up Movacar has won the long-awaited „Berlin Call for Startups“ competition. The innovative approach of establishing crowdsourcing in vehicle logistics and creating a win-win-win situation was convincing in the audience vote. „We are thrilled […]

(FRA)La startup de mobilité Movacar a conquis le marché allemand en 202

Movacar Founders: Eustach von Wulffen and Karl Markiewicz

Berlin, Mars 2023 La startup de mobilité Movacar a conquis le marché allemand en 2022 avec son concept ‘crowdsourciong in vehicle logistics’ En 2023, les indicateurs sont à l’expansion – avec la France comme marché ciblé D’un point de vue économique, l’année dernière a été loin d’être facile pour la plupart des sociétés. Mais il […]

Cheap spring holidays – 7 tips for your 1 Euro camper trip!


Berlin, Februar 2023 Cheap spring holidays – 7 tips for your 1 Euro camper trip! Inflation remains high and many people are wondering if they can afford a nice holiday trip this year. Fortunately, there are some ways to go easy on the wallet and still have an unforgettable trip. Already last year, transfer trips […]